Blog posts galore!

Since lock down our kids have been blogging up a storm! 

We have been absolutely blown away by the sheer amount of work that our kids are achieving since coming back to school. Many of our kids are publishing 3-4 blog posts a day, and are also blogging and blog commenting in their own time after school and in the weekends. 

You only have to look at our kids total posts for the year so far, and compare them to their previous years to understand:

A really cool example of 2 of students in action was our twins Kristopher and Julianna. They set themselves a challenge of being the first to reach 200 posts for the year. Julianna wrote a beautiful blog post explaining this challenge, and gloating in her victory - definitely check this out!

The fact that now her brother is beating her since the feat is surely not going unnoticed, so I eagerly look forward to seeing them battle it out over the school holidays. 

The current tally is 258 - 239 to Kris !!

If you would like to leave a comment on any of these hard working bloggers please check out our links here :)
