Teacher inquiry: No. 10

One of the greatest parts of inquiring into our own practice this year, is having the chance to share and hear from our colleagues,

What I've discovered after our latest inquiry meeting is that it's very easy to get lost in your own little teaching bubble.

...And its been brought to my attention that for a long time now, I've been concerned with 'perfecting' ONE type of follow-up activity with my class, and haven't even really considered the option of trying other ones.

Now as I write this it sounds absolutely ridiculous! hahaha. 

Although I have multiple other tasks my students do as part of their maths follow up, the 'problem solving task' that has featured heavily on this blog has been the only real 'HOT' task that I have been working on.  Reflecting now, I think that because the task is able to be adapted easily to what ever we are doing during our group lessons, perhaps I haven't noticed that its the same style of task again, and again, and again.  However I'm suddenly horrified that perhaps my learners surely have noticed, and how BORING is that!?

So I have a new goal in my inquiry at this point;

TERM 3 = Trying some new things.

To start me off I was very lucky to hear from Lisa (another teacher in the school), who has shared some of her examples.  They are awesome! I can't wait to adapt them to what my own class is doing, and at the level of my kids.
