Cyber Smart Challenge

 Cybersmart learning is crucial and necessary. 

It has to be part of our core programme and integrated into almost all areas of our learning. That is because we teach in a digital environment, and our students live in a digital world. 

Much of what we teach in cybersmart happens organically and naturally, as it part of being a competent teacher in a digital environment.  However the Manaiakalani Cybersmart website has content and ideas for covering some of the more complex aspects of cybersmart learning.To help navigate and comprehend the cybersmart site, and some of the Manaiakalani Cybersmart vocabulary, we have launched the Manaiakalani Cybersmart Challenge

This is a blog that will release cybersmart lessons weekly, for teachers to complete with their class. It will mirror the content that Teachers are already striving to teach each term, and will exact as an example.

Please feel free to use this challenge, to help you build your cybersmart teaching capacity.
